Lighting is one of the most important and often most overlooked elements of a wedding but it can really set the tone for your reception. If you’re like most brides and trying to achieve a romantic feel at your reception you will probably want to incorporate scores of candles on every surface of your reception. But all those candle sets (candles and candle holders) can really add up. Think about it, for a 200 guest wedding you will have roughly 26 tables if you want 10 candle sets at each table that is 260 candle sets and most reception sites or caterers will charge you $1-$2 per candle set; that’s over $500 on just candle sets! If you have the time, and the patience, you may want to consider making your own candle holders. Below are step by step pictures for making your own candle holders, for complete step by step instructions
click here! Hopefully this will help keep you from "burning" through you wedding budget!
that is super cool! <3 beck