Vintage rings: For the gal who loves vintage an antique-style engagement ring will be the perfect choice. Even if one's fiance does not have a family heirloom passed down for generations, replicas are readily available. You might even consider skipping the traditional diamond in favor a colored gemstone (interesting fact: diamonds became the norm for engagement rings in the 1950's when diamond miner De Beers launched the "Diamonds are forever" marketing campaign - prior to this diamonds were considered more commonplace and where not especially valued). Of course if you are after a vintage engagement ring it would help to plant the idea before wedding plans officially commence!

Wedding Dress: something along the lines of this Audrey Hepburn-style dress, or a simple and elegant white suit would be a perfect fit. To get started looking for a tea-length dress, read the post Tea Time.
Music: Strike up the band! Along with the regular wedding play list, mix in a liberal dose of Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, and Dorris Day.

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